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Feeling Heavy

  • In the Classroom - Lesson 6


Take a couple minutes to do this exercise. The more time you allow your students to sink into it, the more they’ll get out of it.

  • Have the students close their eyes and let their arms hang down at their sides. Have their feet be flat on the floor.

  • Ask the students to remember how heavy and relaxed they felt laying in bed.

    • They were so relaxed that maybe they didn’t even want to get up, even though it was morning and they had to get ready for school or church or something else. But they didn’t want to get up. They didn’t even want to open their eyes.

  • Ask them to really go into the memory.

    • They can remember how heavy and warm they felt. How comfortable.

    • Prompt them by reminding them that hey can remember it so well, they can let themselves experience it right now. How wonderful. How peaceful. 

  • Remind them that it is okay for them to remember or imagine feeling so heavy and relaxed.

  • Remind them to feel the pleasant, peaceful weight of their heavy bodies melting into the floor.

  • In reminding them of these things, you will be reinforcing their ability to do this, and you will be priming the other students to be able to do it well, too. 

  • As they are deeply relaxed, have them remind themselves of exactly who (and how) they want to be today. Let them take a moment to experience being their very best. Let them remember feeling confident and ready for the day. Let them remember to be proud of themselves, for doing whatever they are excited about accomplishing today.

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