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Stress is the tension felt between where you are and where you want to be, what you have and what you want,…


Good Stress

When stress is helpful we'll call it "good" stress. We need good stress to interact with our environment and to move forward.

We need it for motivation, and to be exicted about something. We need it to learn and to grow. We need it to be, do, and get what we want in life. To control this stress we need to understand ourself and cultivate our attitude. This skill can be called "mental effectiveness training," "self-hypnosis" (or de-hypnosis), "positive self-talk," or "meditation."


Bad Stress

When stress is caused by unnecessary (and unhelpful) fear it creates anxiety, debilitating self-consciousness and unclear thinking. This stress can trigger physical action that cause or worsen problems. It also deactivates clear thinking and hampers muscular control. This stress not only prevents learning, it makes it hard to move the body smoothly and naturally.

We'll call this stress "bad" stress.

"Bad" stress can be harmful in the classroom (and any situation) because it creates distractive and destructive thoughts and behavior. When someone is suffering from "bad" stress, it is dificult for them to control their mind, their emotions, and even their body. For a student or for a teacher this stress impedes the flow of energy and information in the body and the mind. This can result in emotional or physical pain and illness and mental confussion.


And when someone is overwhelmed with stress (good or bad) they can act out-of-control.


The Techniques

The techniques in this program will teach you how to control both your good stress and bad stress. De-stressing (relaxation, Zen) techniques are helpful because they allow and encourage the body and mind to reduce "bad" stress, –and rest, repair, reset, and refocus. Mental effectiveness techniques are helpful because they direct (focus) our energy and our mind–and our "good" stress–towards our goals. 


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