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Trust is necessary for everything: relationships, clear-thinking, health, movement. Without trust, nothing happens. 



Take time for this exercise, especially the first time. Let yourself go deeply into it. The deeper you go the first time, the faster and easier the next times will be. You'll see.




At each step of this exercise, remember to pause and remind yourselt to focus on the feeling of trust. Ask yourself, “What does it feel like in your body? Remember the feeling."


  • Sit or lie. Get comfortable.

  • Close your eyes

  • Think of how you can trust the chair you are sitting on, or the floor or bed you're lying on. 

  • Think of someone, or something, you feel you can completely Trust. This “person” may be

    • someone you know: a friend, a sibling, a parent, a teacher (living or deceased, or not yet born)

    • a pet

    • a favorite toy or thing

    • a favorite place

    • a rock

    • a plant

    • a spirit, someone they have known who has passed on, a guardian angel, God, …

    • the Universe

    • whatever/whoever they choose

  • Think of how you can trust the building you're in

  • ...this planet

  • ...this solar system

  • ...the Universe

  • Then, in a journey of the reverse order, come back to just being where you are

  • Imagine seeing (sensing) each item on this list (the earth, the solar system…) smiling at you, knowing that it can trust you to always be there for it. 

  • Focus on the feeling of trust and remember the feeling. Practice remembering throughout the day whenever you want to be your best!

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