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Belly Brain 

  • In the Classroom - Lesson 13


This lesson has a lot more information that others, and maybe more than you have time for. Pick and choose and use what information is more valuable and interesting for your class if you need to whittle it down.

  • Now that you have practiced the Slow Breathe Squeeze, you know how to activate your diaphragm and flip the switch. 


  • The diaphragm, like the heart, is a muscle that acts as a perpetual motion machine in the body. You do not have to worry about it, or even think about it, for it to work properly. And it’s best if you don’t. (Remember, analytical thought is the nervous system’s fight-flight-freeze-fidget-fret direction, while diaphragmatic breathing is the nervous system’s relax–rest–repair–replenish direction of energy.) So, now known the trick to flip the switch, you can now start paying attention to the changes in your body when you are building up your power. 

  • Warning: this is the secret of Karate, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and every other martial art. It's called the Tandien in China. In Japan it's called the Tanden or Hara. Martial artists also call it The Elixir.

  • This area is also called The Center of Gravity, The Energy Center, The Second Brain, and The Belly Brain. Just as the brain is a big collection of nerves in your body. There is another big collection (nexus) of nerves in your gut (connected to your intestines). When you are thinking clearly, using your intuition, trusting and not worrying, you are using this brain.

  • This brain produces 80% of the feel good chemicals in your body (Yes, they are produced here and then many migrate up to your brain between your ears). This brain also produces stem cells (and there is a lot of research going on now about how to harvest them for use in laboratories and hospitals), as well as human growth hormone and stuff to help the immune system (whatever those things are called.) 

  • Where attention goes, energy flows. Paying attention to your Belly Brain you will develop a sense of it,a nd a connection with it. Just like how before you learned to walk, you had legs and could use them to kick and bend, and then as you learn to use them to walk a whole new world opened up for you– the same is true for learning to feel and pay attention to (and direct your attention to) your Second Brain. The more you do it, the more value you’ll get from it such as

    • thinking more clearly, less emotionally

    • trusting yourself, doing better in sports and on test (and everything else)

    • feeling relax and at peace and in control

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