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Paying Attention

  • In the Classroom - Lesson 1 


  • The mind works best when relaxed. Like a garden hose. Sometimes we might put our thumb over the end to create pressure. But that pressure actually squirts out less water than a relaxed hose lets flow out.

  • When we take in specific information, we may want to focus and let only specific info come in –very powerfully– like the pressurized stream of the pinched end of a hose.

  • But when we need to retrieve information and remember things, like during a test, our mind works much better when relaxed. 

  • Thinking too hard about something creates stress, which impedes our mind. That stress also hampers our physical actions. Thinking too much makes it hard for ourselves to even act naturally. Some people who are very intelligent can actually out-genius themselves and make their lives more difficult by over analyzing things.


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