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Need tools for dealing with stress in the classroom TODAY? Go here.




We bring stress reduction techniques into the hands of people and groups who need it

Over the years, we’ve brought our expertise to

  • elementary schools

  • high schools

  • law enforcement

  • homeless shelters

  • domestic violence resource groups

  • LGBTQ+ resource groups

  • struggling teens


We never stop improving, and will continue to expand our offerings based on how we can best get stress management techniques into the hands of those who need them most.

Get in touch with us today to learn how clearwheel can help you.

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the clearwheel 8-step technique

stress management 101

Sitting on the Table


step 1

Sit down and feel balanced. Let both feet rest on the ground.

Hair Model

close your eyes

step 2

Close your eyes. This releases you from 80-90% of your mental "to do" list.


eye roll

step 3

Keeping your eyes closed, roll your eyeballs up as you inhale, and down as you exhale.

Girl Relaxing

extend exhalations

step 4

As you breathe in, count to 4, and as you breathe out, count to 5. Then as you breathe in count to 5... each time you breathe out, add a number until you get to 10.

Boy Blowing Bubbles

slow blow

step 5

Slowly exhale through your mouth, as if blowing out through a straw.

Sporty Woman Lifting a Medicine Ball

breathe & squeeze

step 6

Squeeze out every last drop of air, until there is no more air in your lungs. Then let your body, naturally, all on its own, bring in a fresh breath. Notice that the breathing happens in your belly.

Happy Twins

belly brain

step 7

As you breathe from your belly, notice the warm energy beneath your navel. It might feel odd. This is your belly brain. Practice feeling it.

In Thought

remember relaxed

step 8

Remember feeling very relaxed. Maybe it was as you laid in bed, wanting to sleep just 5 more minutes. Practice remembering feeling very relaxed.

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other clearwheel techniques

advanced classes

Zen Stones


Get to know yourself



Get to know your world

Sandy Beach

guided meditations

Let yourself be taken
on a journey

Creative Thoughts


Learn to harness the power
of your mind

Big Brother Soccer

shift perspectives

You know more than you think

Hot Air Balloons


The super power we all need

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Get in Touch

In-person classes available in Salt Lake region, Utah.
Skype classes available, too.


As I have been getting many spam messages through the email form that used to be here,

Please contact me via Twitter @annazumi

Or (626) 629-8649 for calls or text


I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 

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More about clearwheel's
Anna Zumwalt
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I’m known for my passion, unique approach, and inspirational instructing style that embodies physical and mental strength. I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist & registered Soto Zen Buddhist Priest. Since 2001, many teachers and professionals have sought my expertise in stress management.

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